
Welcome to my creative space! This is the place where you can come to find out a little more about myself and my quilts.

— Kaylee Wells-Enright

My journey to the quilting world began before I was even born. My grandmother was extremely talented at all things craft. While I never got to meet her, she passed down her skills and passion for sewing to my mom, and my mom passed it on to me!

Quilting faded into the background as I grew up, but just last year, my friend Melissa got me back into it. During quarantine, it became my main outlet, and look where we are now!


Meet the fam!

My husband is always behind the camera or the quilt (depending on the size of the quilt) supporting my hobby.

Duke, my little sewing sidekick, is always faithfully by my side or sitting on whatever piece of fabric I dare put on the ground.